Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The waiting game is over!

Finally, seven months after losing my permanent job (not counting the two small temp positions since then) I have been offered a job! I can now breathe an epic sigh of relief. It's actually another temp, but for ten months, so that's enough to pay rent at least. It's happened quite quick, they want me to start on Thursday - which is great, except it gives me only a very small window to drive home and grab more work clothes. That's what the sensible  me would do anyway. The normal me would just go into town and buy a new work wardrobe. But I won't get ahead of myself just yet, I'll give the job a few weeks before I start spending on anything apart from bills. I'm already a tad concerned about the coming of my credit card bill. Eek!

The best thing is knowing I'll be closer to Em, the Mexican, and all my old buddies I rarely get a chance to see - not to mention Mr Z of course. I can't get much closer than living quarters. I think E & M are sincerely going to regret inviting me to stay! It's suddenly gone from staying for a week, to staying until I get enough money to find my own place. Mr Z actually talked last night about me cooking dinner for him until I could afford to pay him rent, as I do love to cook. Now I didn't want to elaborate too much on this in case he wasn't being serious and then I'd look a massive twat being all "female" about my boyfriend inviting me to move in with him. But I think he meant it. I may have to gently broach the subject again later though, just to be sure what I heard was right! My food does have an effect on people. Diarrhoea is the usual effect, but he'll soon learn to stomach it.

The Slimming World diet is going ok so far. Kind of. I might've allowed Mr Z's mum to force feed me a slice of lemon cake yesterday. It was for a genuinely acceptable reason though - I had to down a glass of codine for my headache and it tasted like puke, so the cake helped it go down, therefore actually aiding that particular quest for good health. Oh shut up.

Well let's hope I can tick "Find a job I enjoy" off my bucket list. I can already tick off "Find a genuinely nice bloke who treats me well" and "Get out of Lowestoft". My next goals are "Successfully manage to keep hold of genuinely nice bloke" and "Win an obscene amount of cash on the lottery". Well nobody said I couldn't aim high!


  1. I am so very happy for you!

  2. Thanks Philly gal! Hope you're happy too now you're back home. Feels weird that you're not over here anymore!
