Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Make Do.....Or Mend

It never ceases to amaze me how certain people feel quite prepared to risk all the good things they have in their life, just for a quick fling. When I say people I mean men, of course. I'm sure there are plenty of women who would do exactly the same, but not ever having dated women and therefore consequently being cheated on by a woman, I can't speak much on that subject I'm afraid. Please feel free, all you men reading this, to share your similar experiences - if you have any. I wouldn't want this being a one-sided slag off ;-)

It seems to me that once someone special enters your life, all those naughty, bored little cretins come out of the woodwork to try and tempt you away. I hasten to add at this point that I am not easily tempted and would never be lured away from my man. Unlike certain people, I am content with what I have, and if the day ever came whereby I might feel I've had enough - I will end it honourably. I've known guys who openly display their lusty thoughts in front of their girlfriends/wives. I remember dating one guy who actually used to point out other women to me. "She's got a nice arse", he'd say. Or he'd do a double-take if a beautiful woman walked past and utter something like "Jesus, some lucky bastard gets to tap that", followed by an overly-dramatic facial expression or a shivver - as if to try and shake off those horny thoughts. He'd then look at me and give me an apologetic smile and a shrug as if to say "Well I'm only human". When I found out he'd cheated on me with some skank from Essex (on my birthday I might add) I wasn't very much surprised. When I also found out at a later date that he'd caught an STD from her, I wasn't very much surprised either. I was however, extremely delighted.

I understand that there are some beautiful people around, I'm under no illusion that men are blind to them, I just wish that these certain cretins would banish any thoughts that make them think the grass might be greener in a different bed. I've been a witness to a few married men making the most of time away from their wives; I used to work in a holiday camp, nothing can shock me any more. I once asked one particular cheating married man why he did it. He replied; "Because I can. Who's going to tell her"? What chance does a woman have against a guy like that? Nine times out of ten you can never tell a man will cheat. There are usually no visible warning signs. I've noticed previous boyfriends stealing a glance at other women in the street, like my mother I have "eyes in the back of my head"! But I don't mind because it's a natural instinct, just like if Bradley Cooper walked down my street I'd gawp at him too. In fact, to be fair, I'd probably run and leap on him. Mr Z would understand - just like I'd understand if Katy Perry came to town and he'd turn into a dribbling mong.

So for all you deceiving husbands/boyfriends out there, can I suggest you be happy with what you already have? And if you aren't, do the honourable thing before you go sniffing around other women who are perfectly happy with what they have. This is a fling that refuses to be flung!

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