After a pretty great night last night I am happy to say that nothing has changed. In relation to my bowling skills that is. I am still shit. I don't believe in second or third, I think if you're not first - you're a loser. Well I came second to last out of six of us, so I believe that makes me an epic loser! However, a fun night was had by all and it ultimately led to me being nominated as "Social Secretary" of staff nights out!
I've always been good at organising events, I guess you could say it's my forte, so I'm kind of chuffed I was nominated. Not least because this means I can ensure I never have to get dragged into the painful experience of karaoke. I've quite had my fill of sitting through pissed up tarts screeching "I Will Survive" into the microphone, when all I really want to ensure is that they don't actually survive to bang out another "classic" and completely ruin my night.
The one thing that does irritate me with organising events is undecisive people. I don't want to hear things like "Ooo, I'll have to see", or "I should be ok unless something else crops up". I will give you enough notice to put it in your diary. If somebody dies I will take that as a reasonable excuse for you not to turn up, or if for any reason you need to make an emergency visit to the hospital I will completely understand. But the reason I give you prior notice is so that you can put it in your diary if you should so wish to come, then if anything else does happen to "crop up" you can say "Actually no sorry, Leigh has organised a staff night out for us". A bit of advice for anybody reading this who knows me personally; if I invite you to an event and you don't want to come.....just say you don't want to come!!!! Granny dying = reasonable excuse. Wanting to wait for something better to be invited to = UNreasonable excuse!
So due to the extreme spasticness of my bowling technique I need to redeem myself by organising something that can show I'm not a total pleb.
Sorry guys, but this next event may take some time to devise....!
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