Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Dead Romantic

I had decided last week to stop watching "feel good" films, as they almost always feature a man and woman falling madly in love - living happily ever after. Yeah whatever. I don't know who made up the term "feel good" film, but he or she was clearly neither single nor married. From what I've seen and heard I gather the bit at the beginning of a blooming romance is the best part to be at; meet someone, be all fun and romantic, enjoy those first few dates where the guy always pays (if you're lucky enough to meet someone who isn't a tight-arse) and happy days all round. Even when you move in together it's fun and exciting. Until you find you're both working all hours under the sun, bills start dropping onto the mat and all of a sudden the romance is dead and you're starting to fantasise about your single days. That's the kinda film I like nowadays - true to life! Why do I want to watch a film about two people swooning and declaring their undying love?? Maybe when I'm in the same situation for real I'll appreciate them a bit more, instead of feeling bitter that I don't have somebody swooning over me! (well, guys don't "swoon" do they? What do guys do? Ah yes, wank).

I think my friend Emma must've felt my "I need a man" vibes, because she just so happened to text me on Sunday about a male friend of hers who had expressed an interest in a photo of myself on Facebook. Disturbingly, I was dressed as a zombie for Halloween in the photo. I'm not really too sure how to feel about it. Do I take it as a compliment that the guy finds me attractive dressed as a dead person? I've never dated a Necrofiliac before but with my past record I'm pretty sure I've dated worse.

So anyway, this guy - let's call him Mr Z - texted me after I'd given Em permission to pass my number on (clearly the zombie thing didn't disturb me that much) and we've been texting each other since. It's very difficult to get a real opinion of a bloke through just texting, but I get that he's very open and honest and that, despite his obvious boner for zombies, we could probably get on quite well. The fact that he is extremely gorgeous is completely besides the point of course. I'll be meeting him next month so I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for a non-fucktard. I reckon I've had enough dickheads by now...? He might not even like me at all when he meets me in person. I'll try not to drink too much just in case I do "crying drunk" as opposed to my "happy drunk". I absolutely will NOT mix my drinks - passing out in a pool of vomit = not sexy.

If all else fails I guess I could always cover myself in blood and try to eat him. *sigh* The things I do for love.....

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