Thursday, 1 March 2012

The customer is always...moody.

NB: I've had a hair dye disaster tonight and I'm in a shitty mood! A word of warning; don't always trust the picture on the box...!

I went to Tesco after work today and came face to face with my biggest nightmare after a long day: The happy cashier. Now don't get wrong here, I like it when I receive good customer service because, after all, this country is not very well-known for its happy-go-lucky workers. In a lot of shops you're lucky to get an acknowledgment from the member of staff at all. I remember in one particular shop a while ago the young girl behind the till chatted to her friend on the other till the whole time she served me. She never once looked at me and just held out her hand for my money at the end. I looked at her hand and back up at her and said nothing. Just waited for her to say something. She looked at me after a few seconds and grunted the amount due. I don't usually complain to a higher power about crap service, I don't feel it's always taken seriously anyway so it's not worth the effort, but in this case the little shit had pissed me off so much with her blatant ignorance I sent an email of complaint to the manager. She never lasted long anyway, she'd gone within a fortnight. Huge surprise there.

I'm funny with my moods. Funny strange, not funny-haha. Well, most of the time I'm funny ha-ha to be honest...but not today. My new work colleagues all smoke and it started to drift into reception today. It affected me pretty bad and by the end of the day I was feeling like shite; my head felt like it weighed a tonne and I felt pretty drowsy. I picked the most emptiest looking till in Tesco and dumped my stuff down. This particular cashier was chatting merrily away to the guy in front of me - whose polite smile looked pretty strained to say the least. I did that London underground thing; avoid eye contact and stare down at shoes. Look grumpy. Surely people should notice a grumpy person and think "hmm, ok, they don't look like they want to talk today", but no, Tesco lady was totally oblivious. Bless her for being friendly, but she picked the wrong day. On a good day I would've chatted happily with her about how nice the weather was today, and that -yes- I can get excited about the new Tesco price-drop. But alas, all I could think as she talked at me was; "bitch.... just shut the fuck up, give me my chat magazine and my Philadelphia cheese, and let me go HOOOOOME"!

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