Thursday, 22 March 2012

Farmers & Herbs - damn you all

I'm sitting here at my desk eating left-over cannelloni and feeling at one with the world (and with my expanding waistline). I wasn't feeling so chirpy this morning though; tractor on the road = traffic = very angry Ford Focus driver on way to work (me). 

Tractors, cyclists and learner drivers should not be allowed on the roads until after 9am. I don't care what you say otherwise; it may well be convenient for some people to take their lessons before 9am, but if you don't need to go to work for 9am then you should be out practising on an off-road surface. Or maybe the edge of a cliff. 

Tractors are even worse, they're slower. It can never possibly be that urgent to deliver a package of horse shit to a field that you have to be out getting in everybody's way. I feel very strongly about this. Maybe I should write to Cameron..? Then again, he can fly everywhere by private jet so I'm sure he'd find it hard to sympathise. And he has a bicycle, therefore he is a greater enemy to me then he can possibly imagine.

*quick pause to check I have no cannelloni herbs in my teeth*

...speaking of which, am I the only one who decides on what to eat on a date by what might get stuck in my teeth? I'm sure I can't be the only one. Spaghetti is a massive no no - it doesn't matter how dainty you are you always end up with that little orange splodge on your chin or cheek. Garlic bread is out, again - teeth issues, as well as the "death breath" outcome. Steak isn't too bad, but there's nothing worse than getting a bit with hidden fat or gristle and you end up chewing so hard you look like one of those guys in a western chewing tobacco. Pizza - those damn herbs again. And don't you just hate it when you take a bite of pizza and all the topping slides off so it's left just hanging from your mouth? I think chicken is always the safe option, unless of course it comes with a herby or garlic dressing. 

Bit of a random thoughts day today. In summary; tractor drivers and herbs suck.

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