Relationships. The very word would almost make me want to run for the hills, if it weren't for the fact that love is all around (oh god, I just quoted Marti Pellow) and there is no escape.
Now, in no way am I saying that I'm not interested in love. My problem is that relationships have always seemed so complicated. So confusing. Perplexing, even. A lot of men seem to have this annoying ability of changing from the cool, funny, charming Dr Jekyll, into the two-timing, lying, annoying, moody Mr Hyde. One minute they're wining and dining - the next, they're just whining. I dated one guy who, after humping some middle aged policewoman (no I am deadly serious), actually used the famous Ross/Rachel line: "We were on a break"! No, Matt, we were not on a break; you went home to your house, I went home to my house, night time happened, then it became the next day. That's not a break, that's going home to sleep!
I've experienced the lot; cheaters, emotional fuckwits, alcoholics, losers with no ambition, losers with no car who treated me as a taxi, losers who never took me out anywhere nice, losers who enjoyed heavily critisising me....the list goes on. In fact, I'd say I've probably dated a few with every single one of those issues!
There have been two, that I can think of, who were genuinely nice blokes. Manners, a kind heart - but not too much of a walkover, nicely protective etc etc....But there was always a little thing. No not that. I mean something silly, like; they wore very baggy trousers all the time. Or their hair made them look like a reject from the Backstreet Boys. I once ended a relationship with a very nice and very polite young bloke because he wore weird t-shirts and a dog collar around his neck - and it wasn't even for anything kinky.
I've been trying to find someone who is 100% compatible. That's where I'm going wrong. I don't care what anybody says, you will never find anybody you are 100% compatible with. They don't exist. A guy I dated a while back seemed perfect for me; same sense of humour, same taste in films and music, he wasn't religious, his views on life in general matched my own, etc. But, he still managed to get his head turned by a prettier girl. So now I have re-evaluated what I'm looking for; somebody with good values and morals, somebody with a great sense of humour - but also knows when to be serious at the right moments, somebody with a little ambition. Most of all, somebody who likes me for who I am. That's the personality traits sorted. In general, I don't want anybody with baggage - be it in the form of children, mental issues, mental ex issues, whatever, I don't want it. The only superficial thing I ask for is a guy who knows how to treat a lady. Although how he'll treat me is anybody's guess.
I met up with a really nice guy the other night. He may not have everything in common with me but you know what? Am I bovvered...?
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