Thursday, 9 February 2012

A Game is for Life, not Just for Xmas

When you find something you really like and it seems there's no catch, it's usually too good to be true. In a relationship you meet a guy and he's good looking, funny, got a good job and a heart of gold.....then you discover he has a small penis. Or a mental ex-wife. Or he collects stamps.

When you're house-hunting and think you've found the perfect house, you discover your neighbours are into death metal at all hours. Or they're Charles Manson followers. Or worse....Jehovahs Witness.

At your new job you find you really enjoy the work but your colleagues are complete back-stabbing douchbags. But in my case, I love the work, the company is very esteemed and my colleagues seem pretty cool. The snag? FACEBOOK: THIS SITE HAS BEEN BLOCKED BY YOUR ADMINISTRATOR. Oh. My. God. I sat down happily at my desk during my lunch hour, ready to log on and web-socialise with my buddies, typed in the Facebook address.... Access Denied. The bottom instantly fell out of my life. When the hell did social networking take over my life....? I'm considering not being able to wait a few more hours to go on Facebook to be a major problem! This is ridiculous! I think I may have to abstain from FB, Twatter, whatever the hell else, just for a week or so. Just so I can prove I can live without it.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one either. We take a lot of other things for granted; sitting down with our family to play a game of Cluedo or Game of Life. Or being creative and learning a new skill. Kids and teens nowadays probably spend about 80% of their time outside of school on the computer...or X Box, Wii, whatever. I think it's quite sad. Even kids who used to be sporty at school are now replacing actual sports with Wii sports! What happened to getting a little fresh air in your lungs???? I say all this of course but I wouldn't dream of participating in any kind of sports outside of my own home (unless it's a game of pool down the local pub). We play boardgames, but only at Xmas. Why? Is this the only time families can bear to be with each other?

Personally, I'm gonna go home after work and dig out my Blockbusters and Monopoly just to bring a little nostalgia into my life and take the chance to socialise with my parents. After I've checked my Facebook.....

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