Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Turned out nice again....

So the first two days of my new job went fabulously. Well, I'm probably exaggerating. I'd say more like - I survived my first two days at work without killing/maiming anybody, accidently saying Fuck to my superior, calling anybody a douchebag, sending a rude email to the Director of the Board by mistake. It's too early to know exactly what everybody's really like, but first impressions tell me almost everybody seems really friendly. The woman training me is cool (and very patient!). She makes me laugh because she's like a combination of Monica from Friends, with a little bit of Phoebe thrown in and Reece Witherspoon from Legally Blonde. The most important thing is that she's friendly and has a sense of humour. If I'm stuck working in a humour-less environment I'll just wither and die.

Do you ever wish you could change certain aspects of your personality? I sometimes wish I could be a little less casual and relaxed. Some people would say what's wrong with being laid back? But my problem is that I get comfortable quite quickly and I just talk to everybody exactly the same. I'll never get a promotion anywhere because I can't brown nose and I don't like boosting people's egos - unless of course it's a mate who's feeling down and needs a boost, then it's ok. I guess I give off a certain impression that I'm a very unprofessional person at work, just really because I like to familiarise myself with people and I like to chat and have a laugh, when the moment is appropriate that is. Obviously, I can draw a line. For example; when the Managing Director approaches for a chat, I won't respond by saying something like, "Alright me ole mucker, how's it hanging?? (said in Cockney accent....because I'm from the East End obviously, not because I like faking accents). I will also only swear in the office if everybody else is doing it. If people were walking in going "Morning ya fucking arsehole, how was your fucking weekend ya wankstain?"....then I would feel comfortable to throw in the odd fuck. Oh wait, I should re-phrase that really......

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