Monday, 13 February 2012

Hooray Hooray, it's a Holi-Holiday. Or not.

Supposedly, "it's a world of fun for everyone". But really, the lyrics should be changed to "it's a world of fun for long as you have no job but lots of money".

The list of places in the world I'd like to visit is endless; Rome, Australia, Arizona, New York, Tennessee, Bavaria, Norway, Russia, Hong Kong, Vancouver...and so on. It doesn't seem feasible for me to actually be able to visit all these places in my entire lifetime. Anybody with a run-of-the-mill job will usually get between 22 - 28 days holiday, or if you're a Company Director or politician...a considerable amount more. Also, I take into account how much it's cost to visit all these places. I'm not sure what basic wage is nowadays but I'm pretty certain it won't cover my wish list. When I get my own house, it'll make things even less likely because I'll be bogged down with bills. I have no intention to breed, so children will play no part in ruining my social life at all. Thankfully. So my only solution is to win the lottery. This is on my bucket list.

I get really annoyed when people win the lottery and say "I won't let it change me. I'll still go to work every day." I feel like people who say utterly stupid things like that should have their money taken away from them. If I were to win £23 million, or whatever, I would most definitely let it change me! I would change from skint to loaded, I would change from occassionally depressed to occassionally so happy I could hump myself, and I would change from being thrifty to "fuck it, let's buy a boat today". As for still going in to work every day; the only way I would return to work after winning enough money to never have to work again, would be if I worked as an underwear fitter for male models; or a food taster for Nuttella. If the reason for returning to work after becoming a millionaire is because you'd be bored not having to work...join a fucking social club. In fact, after becoming a millionaire you could probably join the most elite clubs in the world. Go travelling. Buy a nightclub and go dancing and networking every night.

Go back to work indeed. Pfft! These people are sad and simple minded. I would let it change my lifestyle, but it wouldn't change my personality at all. Even after winning a million, I still wouldn't care a less about your problems....

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